Monday, March 21, 2011


"We are only at the beginning of an era of unbelief & fanaticism; the hurricane is coming.  Men have ceased to be guided by the word & claim to be themselves prophets."   (Spurgeon)

I really like ideas - especially my own.  Which is why I decided to start writing a blog. 

You see, if I don't force myself to write on a topic I know nothing about, I let my mind stay on my ideas.  I think that's called narcissism.  It's my favorite cult. 

Instead, I'm going to share the ideas that are challenging my own - that help my unbelief.  I hope there are a lot more quotes than commentary ... more like editing an encyclopedia than writing a treatise.  After all, the one who was Logos himself:
"never claimed [originality]; He says 'The words I speak are not mine, but His that sends me.'  And the Holy Spirit never claimed it, for it's written, "He shall not speak of himself, but whatever he hears, he shall speak."  (Spurgeon, quoting the Gospel of John) 

If you liked the Spurgeon quotes, check out Iain Murray's Spurgeon v. the Hyper-Calvinists.  Just don't leave a copy behind on the airplane, like I did - the flight attendant that retrieves it for you will think you're a complete nerd. 

1 comment:

  1. Disclaimer: this is completely off-topic.

    I remember standing in the ∆∆∆ house with a bunch of bros, and Funke was talking about a psychology class in which they were learning about narcissism and how he proudly exhibited many of the symptoms, and I was very confused because I was confusing that with necrophilia.

    The end.
